Flat Chested Dialed Genesis -Solved!

Hi Folks
I've recently had some drive corruption, and though I've been through a full restore this may be the cause of my current problem.
Some Genesis females are dialing up flat chested, with no breast bulk and distorted nipple areas.
The screen shot shows Pippa body dialed to 100%. It seems that some morphs are not functioning.
I am about to reinstall V5 and the Evolution Morph bundles.
Is there a way to reinstall Genesis without reinstalling Studio?
Or is there some other possible problem or fix?

613 x 568 - 76K
Post edited by nysalor_7ad75f2450 on
Are you getting any error messages when Daz loads? I had a similar issue a while back where one of my morphs doubled in strength due to another morph sharing some properties (don't ask me how that works). I'm not sure why it would break only part of a morph, but try reinstalling Genesis essentials and your morph packs and see if that fixes it.
No, no unusual error messages. And reinstalling the morph packages doesn't seem to have changed anything.
I'm resigned to reinstalling Studio if
* I've covered other possible explanations first, and
* I can be sure that the reinstall will overwrite the existing Genesis files.
It looks like you have overwriten the base Genesis character at some point. Some freebie morphs do not work properly, and they change the base Genesis, there have been problems with this in the past with one from ShareCG.
When you load the Base Genesis model from scratch, have a look in the Parameters pane under 'Currently Used' to see what morphs if any are being used. Remove these morphs, and save out the correct Genesis base to the DUF file. That should give you the correct starting figure.
I don't have Pippa to check, so swinging in the dark here- I noticed Pippa is for V4/V5. Is it possible that that is the way the morph is supposed to look, when V5 or V4 are not dialed in/ not installed? I know when I make full body morphs based off an existing character, I either have to link the chara in so my morph will dial it up to 100% when applied, or dial in the required character myself. Otherwise the morphs look very much like that- all that changes is what is different on the base Genesis without the V5 dialed in.
Are there any errors on the base Genesis, or any other morphs? And does it look correct if you dial up V5, V4, (or for that matter, any other female base)?
(Edit: I also just noticed "I am about to reinstall V5 and the Evolution Morph bundles." in the OP. Without V5 dialed up, that is about what the morph would look like. A little shaping under the breast area, custom nipple area, some reshaping to the body- but no breasts themselves, and most of the female body shape missing, since those would be supplied by the V5 morph being turned up.)
Thanks everyone who has replied so far.
To keep the forensic trail alive ...
Jimmy, great suggestion. I went through the base loaded genesis looking at both current morphs and (more fastidiously) looking for non-zero dials in parameters/show all. All clean, and nothing set to anything but zero.
Ebahr, I think you've identified my problem. Pippa looks a *lot* healthier with V4 or V5 dialled to 100% as well. And if I load Pippa from Content, it sets both the Pippa and V5 morphs to 100%. Being an inveterate dial twiddler, I've been forgetting to dial the "base" morphs as well.
I'm calling this case closed. It's been very instructive. And I don't have to reinstall Studio. :) Thanks again!
Very welcome, and glad you were able to get that straightened around without having to go through the reinstall :)