Trying to use just 1 shoe of a pair as a prop in a scene

Hello - I am trying to build a scene where a character has just 1 shoe in their hands as part of the scene. I am using a specific shoe that comes as a pair for GSF. Is there a way to delete just 1 of a pair of shoes? I can get just the shoes by unparenting them from the character then deleting the character but I can't figure out how to delete 1 shoe. I thought perhaps if I could put both shoes on a character then delete one leg... but that didnt seem to work. Is there a way to do this? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
There should be, the list of items should expand fully and you should see the drop down of parented items.
You should see a LEFT and RIGHT for all items- EXPAND ALL and scroll through. Sometimes clicking on the item directly (after zooming in) should get you right to the shoe.
It should be in a list like this. Keep expanding the arrows until you find it.
Alternatively, you can always click off the EYE icon and get the shoe you don't care about to turn it invisible. (I've done that in ba pinch)
Thanks! the eye icon works for what I need. I fully expanded the drow downs but am not seeing a left and right on the shoes - but i am good with making it invisible. I apprecite the tip!