Please help me about the !uber area lighting !
well...based on the tutorial video
i tried to set the uber area lighting
but some problem just appear
my people just be black!
what is the problem
can just anyone help me plz!

1440 x 900 - 666K
Post edited by b9502032_f6fbea2931 on
Are you using occulsion with soft shadows option in uber?
Well ....
i think i dont know where is it...
can you teach me?
omg can any one who knews this problem
just tell me plaese
im really want to know
Go to sceen and select uber. Then go to parameters. Go to light and check the environement option there
Theres no this option u say
i let my figure's legs out of the sphere
then its got light!
i cant just let the sphere inside out
i already set the scale -100
but its not working
how can i do
it meaning the inside of this sphere is not lighting
but i exactly set the scale -100
did you set z rotate to 180
Can you show the Scaling Parameters of the sphere which is in the Parameters Pane when the Sphere is selected.
If you set the Scale slider to -100 then it should be inside out. If it is scaled to -100 then make it a positive value and test that.
DONT USE PRGRESSIVE RENDING as there are still bugs with using that feature.
Here is some information that may help you further regarding the light controls
this is my parameter of sphere
i already set the scale and z rotare
but its still not inside out
Can just post the process u done succed
please orz
whatever i set the scale postive hundred or negetive hundred
the lighting always outside not inside
and what is prograssive render
i click the camera pic in the top right coner to render
is does matter?
so how can i render that?
i find the progressive render
and i didt use that
so what is the problem?
I know for sure that is the problem about inside out
beacuse i craet a defult uber area light sphere
and i set the sphere's scale -100 but its still lighting
so how can i do then i can revers the surface
see the picture
its a bug of daz studio 4.5 pro ?
any one use 4.0pro have the same problem?
Yes, basically the problem seems to be this: setting a scale of -100 is simply not turning the sphere inside out. I tried it twice and it's just not working.
There is a solution, reverse normals on the sphere in Hexagon or another modeller.
Okay, this is VERY interesting... it's not working after I flipped the normals either...
hmmmm... what be wrong with this picture?
It is working correctly for me. Be sure that you have ambient checked ON in the surface tab by the way or the inside of the sphere will remain black even though the figure is lighted. Also be sure to adjust the intensity or you will get little or no lighting on the figure. I'll post a render shortly.
yeah its very Interesting
but base on the video its working
so i think its the problem of version 4.5pro
yeah i already checked ON the ambient
if you didt check on then the whole image you render will drak
if you checked ON then you can see the background
but the figure still dark if u put the figure inside the sphere
because the normal of lighting is outside whatever u set the scale -100 or +100
I'm using 4.5. Are you raising the intensity on the surface tab high enough? For the render I have going I raised it to 700 because it is a pretty dark image and suspect I could have gone higher. It would depend on what additional light I planned for the scene.
i rasing the intensive to 1000% to infnite
but the figure still dark
Hmm.. We know you have an inside out sphere (due to the -100 scale) and that the figure is inside the sphere. You have ambient turned on and the image in all 3 places it belongs. If turning up the intinsity to 1000 still does not light the figure that is really odd. Which version of studio 4.5 are you using?
i use
I set the intensity at 600, set the scale at -10 and lowered it so that I could see the outside... it's emitting light on the outside, not the inside...
I'm using DS
Trying to get this silly image to go up properly.
Let me check on my other computer. I has that version.
I think there is something wrong in this version. But.. I don't think it is the uber surface light that is the issue since I could get it to work on a different primitive. I have no clue in the world what is going strange with the sphere though.
its still not work when using simple image
so its seem to the sphere is abnormal
so can u tell me what version u succeed working