cuda device not available at first run, anyone else ?

DS CUDA 376.33

Most of the times cuda is not available at first run. I have to close and re-run then cuda is available. Not a big deal this is manageable I just have to run it twice. But I'm wondering if it's just me or anyone else has this issue.




  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312

    It maybe that your scene during setup/editing is at the edge of the VRAM capacity (program overhead), restarting as you do may just clear that enough.

    I did have something similar in my 'beginnings' with Iray (not anymore, the scenes I create nowadays don't fit in the 2GB VRAM of my card anyway cheeky )


  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804

    Thank you for your reply glaseye, but it's not the case. I mean it just fails to recognize the cuda device at startup. With an empty scene. The second time I run it everything works fine. So most of the times I have to run it twice to get cuda working. Just to be some more technical this is the relevant log when it fails. It seems for some reason it can't read correctly the cuda device properties.

    1.1   IRAY   rend info : NVIDIA display driver version: 376.33
    1.1   IRAY   rend info : Your NVIDIA driver supports CUDA version up to 8.0; iray requires CUDA version 8.0; all is good.
    1.1   IRAY   rend warn : CUDA device 0 (el
    1.1   IRAY   rend warn : ): compute capability 221768368.0: unsupported by this version of iray, please look for an update with your software provider.

  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312

    It might be a driver version issue. A while ago, when one of the earlier 4.9beta-versions was released, I needed to update my nVidia drivers for that version to work. However with the latest driver version at the time I did have a problem with Iray. had to revert to a previous version of the nVidia drivers. Unfortunately, my technical skills in this matter are rather limited.... (and it still is odd that it does function the 2nd time....)

  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804
    edited March 2017

    Thank you again for your reply glaseye. I agree it could be a (minor) driver issue. I use 376.33 (dec 14 2016) because it was the latest driver available when DS (jan 5 2017) was released. So I assume DS was tested with this one. I see they recommed 372.XX in previous release notes, but this is referred to IRAY 2016.2, while I see in the startup log that DS uses IRAY 2016.3 build 278300.4305 (nov 30 2016).

    Anyway, it fails only the first time I run it after a windows shutdown. Any other run works fine. So I guess I can be happy with it.


    p.s. It would be nice if the DS team would refer to a "recommended driver" when they release a new DS version ..

    Post edited by Padone on
  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804

    p.p.s. Since you have a 2G card I can give you just an advice from my experience. In most cases you can resample down the textures in the content folder. This helps a lot both in speeding up iray rendering and saving GPU memory. Of course this may not fit a rendering with an extreme closeup. But for the average scene I found this simple trick saves me the day most of the times.

    You can use XnView or any other tool of your choice to do a bach resizing of all the textures in a single shot. Of course do not forget to backup the original textures.

  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312

    Thanks for the pointer; I'm not unfamiliair with the concept of resizing, but as my average 'full' render scene usually consists of 2 to 6 characters, with hair, clothes or armour, some weaponry, and a scenery with quite some foliage and other props (and doing my best to eliminate as much as possible that insn't either visible in the render directly or indirectly [reflection or shadow]), I've more or less given up on that. Not completely though, even the 32GB of system RAM sometimes is barely enough......

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