Uber Environment (kind of) in iRay?

Hey everyone!
It's been a while when I last played with DS and now I'm having quite a problem...
Can you probably tell me if there is anything in iRay that works like the good ol' Uber Surface lighting? I just need a generalized lighting that would work like Uber Env did.
When I used Uber Env in a test render the iRay renderer did not even take it into account. No matter how many adjustments and changes are made it is simply not there.
I found Uber Env very useful as it was easier to operate. The iRay environment maps are not good for all purposes especailly that they give more or less directional light. Also, as far as I can tell you cannot control the color too...
So if you have any solution for a general light-up of the scene it would be much appreciated.
is it possible, that you mixed up 2 different things?
Uber Surface (Area) is UAL and corresponding light emitting surfaces.
Uber Environment is the good old UE2.
Environment light is automatically done by iRay by being photoreal. This corresponds to light bouncing as it is the nature in all our real environments. (I try to keep it simple)
UE2 was neet to produce an overall brightness, but mostly unnatural (artificial smooth light comming out of the nowhere).
If you want to transfer Uber Area Lighting to iRay, simply create a primitive (plane, sphere, ...) and apply the iray emissive shader. That's it. If you want to have the source invisible, turn opacity down to almost 0 (not exactly =0).
One word to the iRay HDRIs:
They produce the light exactly corresponsing to the used sky characteristics. If you want to control the color, go to the "Tone Mapping" tab and change the color (White Point).
Hi AndyS, theres no Opacity in this emissive shader, do you mean cutout opacity?
Yes, of cause. It's only a little different naming (3Delight <--> iRay). But it is the only opacity parameter in the params-set.
So ... how did you succeed?
Looks theres a problem when you resize the light source
already explained over here.