White viewport

Hi... I'm having and issue with DAz Studio 4.5 Pro 64 bits
When i load a file , the objects apears in the scene and all seems to work but the viewport is white. Whatever i do it remais white, can't see any objects in the scene
It happens ramdomly but now is the six try to load the file and the port is still white...
Nvidia drivers updated
Any suggestions?
Thanks for help
Have you tried changing the Background Colour as shown below? If that is not the problem, please post a screenshot.
Hey, thanks!!!! The seems to work i think or the problem solved alone... if a change the bg color before loading, the scene shows fine.
A white viewport means you have an OpenGL compatibility issue, your graphics card can't quite cope with everything DS is throwing at it, I some times get it from loading file heavy content, but once it's finished loading the viewport clears.