noob 3dmax to daz question

I dont have any exp with 3dmax. But i have a model which i wanted to export as obj file to daz. But when i open the file in daz the texture doent load. Can any1 tell me how to get the texture loaded along with object
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I dont have any exp with 3dmax. But i have a model which i wanted to export as obj file to daz. But when i open the file in daz the texture doent load. Can any1 tell me how to get the texture loaded along with object
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I know little about Max either, but in my experience any obj file needs a corresponding mtl material file, which contains the surface settings and points to any texture maps that need applying. The mtl file at its most basic is a simple text file so you can open one into any texy editor and have a poke around, which is what I tend to do! I'm pretty sure the mtl and obj files need to have the same name, and if you keep the texture maps in the same folder you'll avoid the need for lengthy path names.
I'm sure someone who actually knows what they're talking about will come along and explain everything properly, but in the meantime this might give you something to go on :)
I couldn't figure this out either so here's what I did.
Import the OBJ into poser and then save the file as a poser file. Open Daz Studio and import the poser file. Bingo!
Hope this helps.
even in poser it shows without texture
Is your OBJ UV mapped?
Is it a paid for product or freebie, if it's a freebie then provide a link to it and I'll download it and see what wrong.
I couldn't open this in MAX, it says I am missing the nifplugins.dll which is a shader. This might be why you can't see it in Poser/Daz. Try applying a standard texture or image map to the object and see if that works.
How can i get the image map of the object
Do a little render of the object in Max and post it here so I can have a look
kinda too dark
Ok. It looks like there's an image map there somewhere. I think the image map is being loaded into some Material plugin and thats why it isn't working so you wanna change that.
In MAX, go to the materials editor and see it you can see the material for the figure in one of the slots. If its there skip this next bit.....
If its not there, then select the object and then one of the material slots, hit the GET MATERIAL button, first on the left, and in the window that pops up tick the SELECTED option in the top right. This should load the texture in the window on the left. Double click it. This will open the texture in the Material Slot
If it is there.....In the Material slot click on the diffuse map slot and have a look at where its coming from on you system.
Pick a NEW Material Slot and load image map from its location into the DIFFUSE slot and apply it to the figure . This should make it a STANDARD material. Try exporting it again to poser and see if its there......hopefully the model is UV mapped.
I dont know where to see in material editor. There are materials,maps,controllers,scenematerials,sample slots
Ok. When you open the material editor, a window opens with a load of boxes in it. These are the material slots. One of these slots has your material in it but lets start a fresh one.
Select the figure.
Open the Material Editor.
Select one of the slots.
Just below the boxes is a row of buttons. Select the first one on the right, the Get Material button.( It's a checker sphere with an arrow pointed at it.)
This opens up anther window....this is the Material/Map Browser.
In this window, on the left just below the grey square, are a list of buttons to tick.the first one is Mtl Library, the second down is Mtl Editor....the forth one down is Selected. Click this.( The figure you showed me MUST be selected.)
This should make a material appear in the with box of this window.
Try this and let me know how you get on. If you can get this far I'll explain what to do next.
when i click same slot and the object it just points to scene material
OK. This is a newer version of max than I have but we'll see if we can figure it out.
It looks like there are two objects there. The 'suit' and the figure itself.
I can see that the Material editor is empty.
Double click on the Suit (Standard) {suit) thing and see what happens
When i double click on suit material editor for suit appears. Bitmap is a .dds file. When i clicked on view image it showed lot of textures of the suit. But i cant seem to save this image
It's a The DirectDraw Surface file format .
you need it as a jpeg.
Try and open that file in an image editor and save it as a jpeg. Then load it into Max and apply it to the relevant figure. Do this for all the maps for this figure.
XNview will convert them. Pretty sure most image cataloging software will as well. I find it's faster that way than with something like GIMP or PSP...
Thx for all your trouble managed to get it work