Decimator / I can't see it anywhere?

I downloaded Daz Studio pro, maybe two weeks ago, installed it etc .. all good. Today I noticed Decimator_1.3.1.56 was also inside the available downloads folder. So I downloaded this and installed it. However I cant seem to locate the plugin within Daz Studio. I've looked through the customize menu and the windows > tabs .. but don't see it anywhere.
Any ideas what I can do to locate it? or indeed install it correctly?
I tried reinstalling Daz.
It's found under Windows/Panes(Tabs), which seems a bit clumsy to me! It's with Batch processing and a couple of other things. However, you said you installed version, which is the latest version and designed to be installed to Studio, so maybe you should install the latest version of Studio too. The version of Decimator that goes with Studio is numbered accordingly.
Hope this helps :)
Decimator is one of the plugins that it is neccessary to actually purchase a serial key in order to use it. Although it is included in Daz Studio, it is not a free plugin,
It was included in DS when it was a paid for app, but now that DS is free it will not work until the key is purchased.
I have purchased DS 4 pro but don't have a serial key ether. I was going to purchase decimator but the button says purchased.
Why don't I have a SN for the older version if decimator came with the purchased version? How do you purchase DS4.5?
I suggest opening a sales support ticket if you can't find your Decimator serial number and you paid for DS4 Pro. Note, purchasing DS4 Pro for $0.00 did not get you access do decimator.
I bought two copies when it was first released for real money. And then I obtained the free versions three times so I can 'legaly' have it on all my computers.
I'm setting up a virtual server so I can have proper backward compatiblity and prevent goofs from trashing a working environment.
Yup, then you should contact sales support using the Contact Us link at the top of the forum. They'll make sure you get the serial number and download.
Thanks. Done. But for this thread, I too can't find decimator under Windows/Panes(Tabs). Does it only show up if a SN is put in?
I'm not seeing Decimator either in Mac version. Looking at About Installed Plug-ins, the plugin libdzdecimator shows error:
Plug-in failed to load!
/Applications/Graphics/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/plugins/libdzdecimator.dylib
Plug-in was made for a newer version of DAZ Studio.
But the version of Daz I have is: and the online docs say:
Note: The Decimator and Texture Atlas require DAZ Studio version or higher.
There seems to be miss communications. Sales support said that Decimator is trial even for purchesed DS4 pro I bought when it was released.
I upgraded from DS3 Advanced to DS4 Pro way back when and that serial number (labeled "DAZ Studio 4 PRO Upgrade" in my account) unlocks the Decimator plugin in the free version of DS4 Pro. For those that applied for a refund or adjustment due to the issue about DS4 Pro going free, I would expect those serial numbers were pulled from those accounts. I didn't do that.
Because I upgraded everyting to DS4.5 might be what the problem is. I did try the SN for DS but it did not take. The SN for DS4.5 may not work that way because it is free.
The list of installers for DAZ Studio 4 PRO Upgrade does not have anyother version of decimator than for DS 4.5.x.
Yes, in your instance if I'm understanding what you're saying, you would need a DS4 Pro serial number what was issued to your account for either an upgrade from DS3 to DS4 Pro purchase or a DS4 Pro purchase before it went "free". Otherwise one would need to purchase a separate decimator product license.
It looks like it worked. I put in the SN from the DS4 pro upgrade and decimator is now showing up in windows-tabs.
Now if it is still there in two weeks...;)