Layered image editor stuggles

Working on Layered image editor and strugling with my layered images "patterning" Does anyone know of a fix on this?

990 x 652 - 543K

667 x 439 - 273K

1531 x 881 - 1M
To be clear, I want the images on the back to not be there and the images on the front to be there.
It looks as if the texture may repeat on the back - is this an outfit you made yourself?
The shirt is actuallly this
But I wanted to convert it into a Navy uniform. So I used a shader to make it all white and then used the layered image editor to put the nametag, wings and medal. The problem is that the texture repeats on the back. Is there a fix so I only get one intance of the image and not a repeated texuture?
when you check surface tab>editor, there should be parameter which can change UV tiles count ,it may be different about each shader ,
about iray uber shader, surfacegroup name>geometry>Tiling, about DAZ default shader, surface groupname>Tiling,
you can input keywords Tile in top serch section of surfacetab>editor, to filter words and serch parameter.
I don't have that set to check - are there separate Surfaces for front and back in the Surfaces pane? If not you could use the Geometry Editor to create them - essentuially you just need to select the polygons where there is visible bleed-through from the front, right-click, Geometry Assignment>Create Surface from Selected Polygon(s), then apply the base shader to that surface (the iray Uber Base for example - it will be listed at top-right of the Surfaces pane when you select the main shirt fabric surface), then from the Edit>Copy menu copy the settings for the fabric (before applying your LIE), Edit>Paste to the new surface, then apply the LIE overlays only to the surface for the front of the shirt. If there are separate surfaces for front and backa lready just make sure you have only the front seelcted when applying the LIE overlays.
If this is for Iray you could also use an Iray Decal node (from the Create menu) to apply the additional elements.