Morph Loader v4 Q.

Blackbirdx61Blackbirdx61 Posts: 300

I was trying to create a Morph for a User who asked about a figure with a particular Face,

but when I brought up Morph Loader Pro, there was no apparent way to select V4; and the morph

does not work, so I am assuming it defaults to Genesis. Has v4 Support been dropped?

If not could someone show me where on the Morph Loader form I can Select for Vikki? BB.

Post edited by Blackbirdx61 on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    You shouldn';t need to select anything other than the morph OBJs in Morph Loader - it applies to the figure selected in the scene. That said, the older figures can be a bit quirky - last time I tried (which was a while back) I had more success with the Advanced version of Morph Loader.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Morph Loader is included with the current version of Studio.  If you tried install an old purchased version of Morph Loader you may have broken both the included version and the purchased version.

  • Quirky indeed, Not sure how, but finally got it, turns out the OP needed the toon in G2F or G3F so now Im trying to dial that; with mixed results.

    Still appreciate the the help and time; I'm not dropping v4 anytime soon and have learned enough to start creating my own morphs

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