Victoria 4 Skins Batch Converter/Batch Convert V4 to Genesis 2

Please anyone can they help Me? I have used other programs but this one wont work for me please help!!!!!!!! Ive used the pose convertor but this program just doesnt work what am I doing wrong?
Post edited by Robert Dimone on
Try this thread for lots of discussion about how to use the convertor:
Apparently there was supposed to be a help file released with the product - have you looked for one? If not there is a link to get an offline copy here:
Please note that the creator of the product, DraagonStorm, very sadly died some weeks ago - she was very helpful and supportive to users of her products here in the forums, but obviously that source of support is no longer available.
Edit to Add: I'm sorry I am not able to help you myself with this specific product, but I never bought it. (Like you I am a happy user of the pose convertors.) But you may be able to get help in the thread I linked to above from some people who have used it. Good luck!
Is your content installed through DIM, connect or manual?
I'm pretty sure the script won't run on content that has been installed via Connect. I think it needs the content to be found in expected places. (I have content installed through DIM and contect, but the content that this product works with has been installed with DIM.)
Also, it will only convert certain types of files as specified on the product page.
This script will read the .DS, .DSA and .PZ2 files
The first few times I tried to use it, I was trying to convert an unsupported file type.