Gravity affected clothes?

I'm a newbie experimenting with DAZ Studio.
I recently tried to apply Casual Short Dress on a Genesis figure, and then applied a sitting pose to the figure.
The dress conforms to the Genesis figure and its sitting shape, but the bottom part of the dress doesn't behave "naturally". That is, it is kind of rigid, and it isn't affected by gravity. (also because of the said rigidity the dress goes through one of the arms)
Is there any general solutions for addressing the issue - a way which would simulate gravity on those "genesis clothes" which are bought from the DAZ market?
Thank you,

350 x 523 - 177K
The only way it would work properly is with Dynamic Clothing, DAZ Studio does not have built in physics.
There are often morphs supplied with conforming clothing to assist in extreme poses like sitting. Select the clothing item, and look in the Parameters pane to see what is available. Dynamic Clothing made for DS only works inside DS, and is made by Optitex, Poser Dynamic Clothing does not work in DAZ Studio.
Thank you for the prompt reply JimmyC!
Is "dynamic clothing" Genesis compatible? That is... does it provide the physics + conforming to all the possible genesis morphs? Or in general any hints about using it with Genesis?
Also anybody has idea if it would it be possible to write a script or a plug in which could apply gravity (not complete physics) to the those Genesis clothes? How realistic would such undertaking be?
When you look for morphs in the parameters pane, make sure you look around. For example you might not see them if you just select the object, they might be in the hip node, etc.
Another option (after exploring the above ideas further though) is to use dformers to bend the mesh, although it would certainly take more work.
There are very few dynamic clothing items for Genesis at the moment, although Optitex said they were working on it. Most dynamic clothing is made for V4 or M4, and it can be made to fit Genesis, but not all of the morphs by any means. There is a thread on using V4 clothing on Genesis somewhere on the foruma here, but you could also check the Optitex site.
I don't think a plugin would be very easy to write to simulate physics, even on a small scale, but there have been people working on such a thing off and on for a while now.
Much of the V4/M4 outfits work reasonably well with Genesis (moreso if you have the Gen4 morphs of course), but not all. The big problem I have with the dynamic cloth we have built into Daz at the moment though is that none of the items can be scaled in any form, meaning that if you're using a character morph which is slightly smaller, for example, the outfit might simply slide off the characters shoulders or, for skirts and pants, slide down in a comically embarrassing fashion.
It's for this reason I've been playing around with integrating the Bullet physics engine into Daz Studio, but as far as a plugin goes, it's a long way off yet.
There is a way to do it without dynamic clothing, but it only works well if you are doing static's a nightmare to pull off for animations.
You get your scene set up how you want then you export the posed figure, the clothes and if you have the model on a chair, the chair, too. You then import those items into Blender, set the model and chair to be collision objects, set the clothing to be cloth and run a simulation...then you export the finished 'drape' on the clothing, then import it back into DS. If you do it right (making sure the groups and vertex order are preserved), you can use MorphLoader on the new clothing obj and load it as a morph for the item...
Casual has a set of scripts to help with doing that...
And like HoF said, there is experimentation with Bullet...but nowhere near the plugin level, yet...
Thank you all!
That's a lot of useful and right to the point information!
All of these products will work as dynamic clothing in DAZ Studio, and react to collision and gravity as expected.