Illuminating Lamp Shades (WARNING: NO NUDITY)

I did this render (WARNING: NO NUDITY!!! OMG! does that mean you won't look?)
Anyway, I'm hoping someone could clue me into what kind of settings I need to get the lamp shades to look more like this:
The bulbs in the lamps have UberArea light applied...
I tried applying transluscency and 90% opacity to the lamp shades, but I couldn't get them to pass light through them and become illuminated.
Maybe put a light in the lamp ? In Bryce or poser I would put a small light inside and adjust the fall off
A naked lamp. :coolgrin:
What I do is use ShaderMixer to create a shader for the shade that uses a Ray Type test brick (Functions>Utility>Ray Tracing) to vary the opacity - low for transmission rays, higher for others. That, plus translucency, can give a good result for things like lampshades which are not served well by the standard shaders.
Oh... :( or: it's gonna be harder than I thought :)
Thanks Richard! So, Shader Mixer... something I've been avoiding... I guess I can't do that no mo... :) I shall return to this thread when I have completely pulled my hair out playing with the SM... :)
This is where I'm at at the moment...
This is the very first time I've enabled the shader mixer tab... I'm... a little lost :)
I shouldn't be, but I be a wee bit lost :)
The brick should be testing for Transmission rays, and it gives a true/false output - you need to feed that to an If/The/Else brick (Utility>Control) with the colour for transmission rays (dark, as we want it more transparent) and others (light, so the shade isn't see-through).
Richard's way is the best...but you can get 'passable' results with using UberSurface on the shade...turn down the Diffuse strength (to about 30%) and turn off things like 'velvet', sss and so on...just use translucency....and set it to something like 70% (Diffuse + Translucency = 100%).
No, it's not quite the same, but is a quicker 'fake'...
Richard's way is the best...but you can get 'passable' results with using UberSurface on the shade...turn down the Diffuse strength (to about 30%) and turn off things like 'velvet', sss and so on...just use translucency....and set it to something like 70% (Diffuse + Translucency = 100%).
No, it's not quite the same, but is a quicker 'fake'...
I got sidetracked with Wendy's new undies for Genesis... I'm easily distracted by sparklies :)
I think I"m going to focus on doing it Richards way... or at least try...
Sneaks in to watch and learn...
Popcorn Pen?
If I sucessfully build a shader, Pendria, I'll post it on ShareCG.
thanks...I'd offer you a tim tam but they're all melted from the heat. ; )
thanks Wancow! It would be interesting to look at the network.
Oh no don't get Pen started on Tim Tams again. LOL
Yes anything shader mixer these days and I am all over it and saving a lot of info and links.
Its too hot for timtams ; ) 39 they just melt before you pick them up unless you stick them in the fridge.
I'm also into shadermixer...the more I find out the more I realise how much I don't know...
I am so scared to ask, but as I was born the year of the cat, and I am a Leo... curiosity, and all that...
What is a Tim Tam?
A really good, chocolate cover 'biscuit' (cookie for those of us who speak American)...made in Australia. They are rather popular there...and in a few other places, nearby. They are available here, in the US, at Target stores...usually only over the winter months.
You can create translucent surfaces using UberSurface shaders. The lamp below was rendered using this technique with an area light thrown in for general illumination.
Hmmm... interesting... I wonder if Tim Tams are the reason I can't get Marzapan over Christmas anymore... :(
HOF, can you tell me what setting you used on the UberSurface?
In the image above, I just turned on Translucency and set it to 40%. The lighting was done using a point light and a spotlight pointing downwards (since the point light alone wasn't giving me the light spread underneath the lamp). The lamp shade texture was used as a translucency map, as well as for the diffuse map.
I had a friend in college, from Australia (and another one from NZ)...and he used to rave about them all the time. He even shared once...
I had a friend in college, from Australia (and another one from NZ)...and he used to rave about them all the time. He even shared Sharing lol...they must have liked you a lot to
Sorry Wancow for taking the thread off track...
I never mind when discussions go off track... hell, I'm as guilty as anyone here :)
Managed to get this! Thanks for all the help, everyone... I'll post the two relevant shaders in a bit.
Looks great!
I had a friend in college, from Australia (and another one from NZ)...and he used to rave about them all the time. He even shared Sharing lol...they must have liked you a lot to
Sorry Wancow for taking the thread off track...
Well, I did have to break out my bottle of Chivas in compensation...
HoF...yeah, that's what I was talking about...except I've always done it balancing the Diffuse/Translucent numbers. (I need to install that lamp pack that was a freebie a few weeks ago..I thought I had some other lamps installed, but can't find them...this one has reversed normals, it looks like).
Sorry Wancow for taking the thread off track...
Well, I did have to break out my bottle of Chivas in compensation...
posted at sharecg
Please post any results you get, good or bad :)