(DSON) How do I point Poser 2014 to my Daz Studio runtime folder.....

(DSON) How do I point Poser 2014 to my Daz Studio runtime folder.....when all my content seems to be in My Daz 3D Library folder. That folder does have a runtime folder but there is very little in it. Poser won't direct to the My Daz folder because it isn't a "runtime" folder. It seems like the "data" folder has all the content. Am I doing something wrong. I have DSON for the correct version of Poser and the Poser script for DSON is there and active. I just can't seem to link Poser with Daz Studio.
Any help would be appreciated.
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
You should be able to select the My Daz 3D Library folder as an external Runtime - perhaps if there's no Libraries folder it will balk, since there are then no user-facing files. If you isntall the PoserCF files (the Poser companion Files that go with the DSON core files for DS) then that issue should be resolved.
I have all the basic files that came with Daz Studio installed. It seems that only a hair file is showing up in Poser when I link it to my My Daz3D Library folder. Maybe I will uninstall start from scratch.
Genesis 3 won't appear in Poser, but Genesis and Genesis 2 should have both the main (DSON, for Daz Studio) and PoserCF (Library files for Poser) packages - you need both installed, to a content directory Poser knows about, to see and load the content.