(DSON) How do I point Poser 2014 to my Daz Studio runtime folder.....

darbyjhdarbyjh Posts: 0

(DSON) How do I point Poser 2014 to my Daz Studio runtime folder.....when all my content seems to be in My Daz 3D Library folder. That folder does have a runtime folder but there is very little in it. Poser won't direct to the My Daz folder because it isn't a "runtime" folder. It seems like the "data" folder has all the content. Am I doing something wrong. I have DSON for the correct version of Poser and the Poser script for DSON is there and active. I just can't seem to link Poser with Daz Studio.

Any help would be appreciated.


Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • You should be able to select the My Daz 3D Library folder as an external Runtime - perhaps if there's no Libraries folder it will balk, since there are then no user-facing files. If you isntall the PoserCF files (the Poser companion Files that go with the DSON core files for DS) then that issue should be resolved.

  • I have all the basic files that came with Daz Studio installed. It seems that only a hair file is showing up in Poser when I link it to my My Daz3D Library folder. Maybe I will uninstall start from scratch.



  • Genesis 3 won't appear in Poser, but Genesis and Genesis 2 should have both the main (DSON, for Daz Studio) and PoserCF (Library files for Poser) packages - you need both installed, to a content directory Poser knows about, to see and load the content.

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