custom morphs created with FaceGen

I am using FaceGen and it creates a custom face dial under shaping editor (see image). Works very well. I am a bit of a newbie with Daz and what I wanto to do is be able to give that morph to some Daz friends so they have my custom model. Can that be achieved? Any help would be appreciated!
Please attach an image with the model either wearing clothes or zoomed in to see just the head and shoulders as we do not allow "modesty bars"
File>Save As>Support Assets>Moprh Asset, then check just your morph in the option dalogue. The Author and Product fields are sued for folders names in \Data\Daz 3D\Genesis whichever\Sex\Morphs - that is the fiel you need to give to your friends, which they then merge into the equivalent spot on their own systems - it's easier to do this if you add a new, empty, Daz Studio Format content directory and then select that from the drop-down at the top of the options dialogue when saving.
Do check the terms of the FaceGen license to make sure this is permissable.