Reality 4 and DazConnect

Recently I had to purchase another pc, and upon reinstalling Daz I decided to use DAZ Connect to install everything rathat than DIM. I'm begining to think I wish I hadn't. I now notice that Daz Connect stores things differently than DIM and it appears Reality 4 and LuXrender aren't completely compatable with the new setup. Luxrender keeps giving me hash file error's that seem to indicate to me that it can't locate the directories that Daz Connect is putting the files in.
Is there a fix or workaround for this? Or would I be better suited unistalling everything and using DIM to install if I wanty to use Reality in its current form? I know there's IRAY and I like and use it, but I still prefer Reality for some things.
As an aside, I really really hate the new directory structure DAZ connect uses. Makes it darn hard to find things.
Thanks in advance.
Use DIM, Connect is IMO another attempt to make newbies DS experience easier but is a total failure.
I was hoping for some type of a work around, unistalling and re-installing everything will be such a PITA :)