Toony Amy & Cute 3DvShoes

Hi guys,
I recent bought the following products, but they're not working well
Toony Amy
Aboots and Cshoes don't fit well on Genesis-when you pose, they are left behind-they don't attach on the figure
I was told they're meant for genesis -they don't even show under the wardrobe panel-you have to go to content library to look for them.
Same with Toony amy, she's not showing under People panel, though shows under shaping panel. same with her clothes, they don't fit-very large
When dialed for shaping a genesis figure, it looks more like Jasmin
Has anyone experienced similar problems?
Same thing with the 50's outfit left shoe....
Are you sure you have Genesis selected when adding them to the scene? Try right-clicking them and selecting Fit-To Genesis if they don't seem to move with the character. As for the shoes, they work perfectly fine on my scenes. Here's an example render with Amy in her typical outfit with the C3D Shoes. I've also included a shot showing the Toon Amy slider under the Shaping tab.
All works as intended on my system, so I'd double check you installed it correctly and aren't missing any files. A screencap showing how the shoes fit on your character might help.
Toony amy in her clothes in her clothes
Toony amy in Jazmin clothes
Toon amy in Aboots
You must use the 'Fit To' option so that the clothing will conform to the figure. Right click on the clothing item, and use the Fit To option, or find it in the Parameters pane, and set it there.
Thanks Sooo...much, it worked!
However, I'm having an issue with nipples piercing through clothes, and this happens with all genesis characters.
Even in her own clothes...the nipples pierce through!
Find the nipple morph on Genesis and dial it back...
Alternatively, if you're set on having the 'poke out' in your images, you can add smoothing to the top and play with the collision iterations to fix it. In the Scene tab, ensure you have the Amy Top selected and click the arrow icon in the side of the pane. as shown below. You can add a smoothing modifier by going to Edit -> Geometry -> Add Smoothing Modifier, which will add extra settings in the Parameters pane. The ones you want to look at most are Smoothing Iterations and Collision Iterations as these will help it look right on your scene.
Thanks for the screen shots i have been searching without success for the smoother! Gold star for you!