Transfer utility messes up zbrush clothes

This shiouldnt be this hard. I have no idea why my clothes dont fit once I use the utility. trying to learn this so i can make stuff for folks, but gettingg it to work right in daz..

all items made in zbrush from extractions using goZ

befoe TU everything Goz's into position fine, after it's all wonky. advice please!

before TU.JPG
1465 x 943 - 136K
1160 x 851 - 86K


  • Did you try using the base G3F to fit them to? I would do that first, then morph her into Girl 7 and send that to zBrush and create a fit morph for Girl 7 by smoothing the pieces so they follow her body shape. I know that works because I did it with the images I've attached to my post.

    Nadiya Bodysuit test 2.png
    1300 x 1000 - 485K
    Nadiya Bodysuit test.png
    1300 x 1000 - 515K
    Bodysuit and chest plate.png
    1300 x 1000 - 384K
  • Alternatively, try setting the Source Shape to Current and in the extended options check Reverse Source Shape from Target.

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