
Didnt see this posted so Im posting again. Im getting an error message that says I dont have a valid cms connection. I havent done anything to anti virus , network, or firewall configurations. It just stopped connecting. Any help would be appreciated. Its quite frustrating at this point. Im uploading the error message.

1063 x 972 - 75K
Is this happening launching DS clean after a reboot?
yes. Didnt actually shut down my computer, I just did a restart. Is that what you mean by a clean reboot? Turn it off completely? Ill try that and see what happens. Will repost.
rebooting did not work. Im still getting that message. What does the message mean? and how to fix it?
I was just wanting to be sure it wasn't a case of closi g DIM and starting DS, as they both use PostgreSQL and so things can go cross-wobbed. You probsbly have had updates to the security software and possibly Windows itself, assuming the PC is connected. What are you using?
windows 10 if thats what you are asking. Ive checked firewall and internet security but I dont want to mess with those controls because I dont know what Im doing. I think Ill just have to contact daz support and see if they know what the problem is.
I meant what security software.