Rename bones without loosing function
Hi, wondering how I can rename some bones without loosing their functionality.
The problem is im trying to export my figure to another program, but the import there is not working with any add ons such as gens or wing or tails. The problem is that it wont allow the import becasue multiple bones have the same name. So i decided to just go through and name some of the bones hip2, pelvis2 etc, but now there bones now longer affect the mesh. How can i change the name and not loose functionality?
Its a g3m figure with gens. The gens have hip, pelvis,thigh and shin bones, labeled the same as the figures bones. There also using the same weights to keep them in place. I tried simply weight painting the renamed bones to the thighs etc but It wont let me do that since its a seperate mesh.
Having the same problem with wings, end up with multiple spine and pelvis bones with the same name.
Any ideas? im totally stuck here....
Have you tried the Merge Conformers with Base figure option in the FBX export?
there is no such option in FBX export
and I do need to export in FBX, as thats the only format that will work correctly in my target program.
Also noticed I cant export morphs for certain items. I can export morphs for hair in fbx, but the gens dont show at all.
I was going from memory - the option is Merge Clothing into Figure Skeleton
Yeah I have tried that. I dont get the extra bones then... and it lets me import. Now the problem is I cant control the gens. I need the morphs from the gens, and the hair. I can select the hair to export morphs, but I cant select the gens. they dont show at all in the FBX exporter unless they are the only item in the scene. So how can I get them to show in the exporter?
I cant export them seperately by removing all the other items in the scene, as then the skeletons will be different again. So I need all items in a single export.
I don't think I have a way to test FBX exports, it's probably worth making a bug report with both the FBX file and the original scene attached.
Dont need to be able to open the exported FBX files to test it or see the problem.
I have 2 instances of daz installed, one on my computer and another on my laptop.
When using an export script for OBJ it works fine on the laptop, but in the PC the objs all have inverted normals.
When exporting FBX neither one shows the gens as an asset in the exporter.
On the laptop, if I remove all items except for the gens, the asset list in the exporter is empty.
On the pc, if I remove all items except for the gens, then they show in the asset list.
Seems there are def some bugs in the system. The laptop is running the first build of 4.9, the PC is running the latest.
if you wouldnt mind, create a base g3 male model with gens, then try to export as FBX and see whats listed in the asset list. Curious to see if yours shows it or not.
Is the Content Management System (Samrt Content and the Category/Product views) working correctly on the PC?
@ steven.bmw850_3b28841304
"rename some bones" isnt the way to go.
I think the Merge Conformers with Base figure option will work.
I have done this FBX export allready and imported it succesfully to Unity - load the Conformers / Geografts into your scene again after merging them with the base figure and use the transfer tool with - weightmaps, merge hierarchy, morph trasfer all - to get the bones and the morphs back to the attachments. It worked for me but I cant remember exactly what I did because I had to do some trial and error. I remember there was a problem with the transfered morphs having the same name - to keep both I had to rename one and merge them later to a single morph.