How do I create custom clothing morph for CTRLBreastsNatural

I know how to create a custom clothing morph to replace the autogenerated morph for FMB and PBM morphs. I successfully did this for Breasts Size, replacing PBMBreastsSize. Now I want to do it for Breasts Natural, but there isn't an associated PBM. Instead there is CTRLBreastsNatural. I tried to do the same thing I would do for a PBM, but it didn't work.
What steps do I need to follow to make a custom morph in clothing for Breasts Natural?
It is actually PBM , you do not need worry about even though it is named as CTRL.
it is becaues, the parameter include vertex delta, with pectoral rig controll . rotate, and adjust joint positon.
but as you know, only morphed vertex delta will be transfered to the clothing. then it show in currently usde, as hidden parameter.
but it should loose all controlelr about rigs ( auto-followed morph need not adjust rigs, it rely Actor rigs. then clothing rigs just follow the rigs rotation, translation, or location of Actor rigs)
After all, you just import your new morph shape for clothing by morph loader pro, name it as "CTRLBreastNatural" as same as other transfered PBM. it should overwrite the transfered CTRLBreastNatural of the clothing.
then save the morph as new morph of the clothing, to overwrite auto-generated morph
I test with hexagon bridge, then discribe way.
1. load gen3F then wear clothing, apply Actor>torso>real world, Breasts Natural 100%, it auto transfer "CTRLBreastNatural" to clothing.
2. select cloth, then keep fit to,( to remain current rig positon and rotation.) export cloth , by hexagon bridge (or export it as obj)
3 in hexagon, or as your modelor,, adjust clothing shape to fit gen3F shape (imported gen3F as template, and it should include Breasts Natural 100% morphed value, and current rig defomation), then export clothing shape as morph.obj.
4. in DS select Clothing, then remove auto generated CTRLBreastNatural . or turn the value as zero. (it remove the morph effect only, with keep current rigs posing and weight map effect )
import morph.obj by morph loader pro. (or return cloth to ds as morph by hexagon bridge)
5 set morph name as CTRLBreastNatural, property group is no matter, but may better keep same group, then it should be Actor/Chest/Realworld. and must check Reverse defomation = ON, then your imported morph delta correclty overwrite, CTRLBreastNatural only about delta with current rig position.
6 DS sometimes do not up-date auto-follow morph (overwritten) soon, after import and overwrite morph. but reset Actor morph, and Clothing morph (which you overwrite) , then change Actor morph value again, usually correctly up-date auto-transfered morphs,,, and clothing overwrite morph will follow Actor BreastNatural current value. (I sometimes fit to, un-fit to, to foce it work correctly)
7 after confirm it work,, (confrim,, new CTRLBreastNatural of cloth, change value with Actor BreastNatural value, save the new CTRLBreastNatural of clothing, as morph.
Thank you very much for the detailed step by step explanation. This worked for me. I thought that is what I was doing before. Perhaps it was just not updating correctly as explained in your step 6.
Edit: Oh, the other thing I did, both yesterday when it didn't work and again today when it did work, was to select Deltas Only instead of Make Unique in Morph Loader Pro.
Yes I thought, you did same step then maybe it is not up-dated correctly but see same up-date prolbem. because, I sometimes saw same problem, when I overwrite generated morphs.
Actually I saw it when I discribe these step, when I import overwrite morph CTRLBreastNatural (for clothing) with reverse option, and keep Actor Breasts Natural 100% , I can see , clothing have new morph. but the property value keep zero. (of course clothing fit to Actor). then I needed to reset actor morphs value from parameter setting and tweak each, suddenly new import morph follow Actor morph value. I might try un-fit, and fit too. (it seems up-date problem I feel,,)
and thanks I forget to discribe about overwrite option (Deltas only). .I usually keep this option as deltas only, to avoid duplicate but keep ERC for other property.