Mesh showing on actors

When I install Genisis 3 male or female to the viewport the mesh of the character shows (screen shot attached). How do I resolve this problem?
Thanks for your help. Just starting to learn.

ScreenHunter_01 Feb. 19 16.33.jpg
1360 x 768 - 163K
Loosk liek you have wireframe mode selected in the viewport for that tab Look in the top right of tht viewport and you'll see a dropdown currently sety at "Back view". Just to the left of that is a selection icon. Click on that and from the list pick something like "Texture Shaded"
cmd(Mac)/ctrl(Win) plus a number key will select a viewport drawstyle - 9 is texture shaded, 0 is nVidia Iray. The style may have changed because you accidentally hit the combo for wire shaded.
Problem solved, as always the form teaches me something new and useful.
Thanks to Simon and Richard.