rendering problem

When I render using the 3D Delight best quality setting I get segmented colored bars over the top of the figure. I have attached a screen shot of the issue. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

1596 x 939 - 391K
Which version of DS is this? Help>Abput DAZ Studio....
The latest, Pro for Mac 64 bit
I haven't seen that problem before, but do you use shadow maps or raytraced shadows?
I know there is some weird things with shadowmaps in 3Delight sometimes.
I have seen something similar when the Pixel Filter and Pixel Filter Samples are messed with (Advanvced Render Settings Pane)
FANTASTIC RENDER!!! Beautiful! Well Done! :)
Yeah you can reset it, or use this one which I often use when rendering final renders (based on Sedor's settings). This one is just screnshot (you can turn down Mac Trace Depth as I'm rendering a scene with a bar and lots of glass, (and no, not a bar for Pete or Jack to wreck havoc in)
Actually, post a screenshot of your advanced render settings...
Pete, I think you may be on to something...I think that's possibly related to this 3Delight fix...
Fixed bad renders with asymmetric PixelSamples.
That fix will be in the latest release version of DS as it was in version 10.0.65 of 3DL and the current is 10.0.70 (for DS...for 3DL itself they are at 10.0.100! 4 releases in the past few days).
Cool render settings, thx for posting them Totte.
OK, I change my mind, you can wreck havoc in Chez Pierre located on the island Les Saintes oitside Guadalope south of Nevis & St Kitts. Remeber though that the barkeeper, Mr. Pierre Robins, is a former French Foreign Legion Major and a specialist in martial arts and has a Thompson under his bar in case someone gets nasty. A big sign over the bar says: "No weapons - here we fight like gentlemen". So, still interested? You've been warned ;-)
Well given I am a black belt in TaiChi and have a temper that could curdle milk I will take my chances. As Monty Python would say with a french accent "I fart in his general direction"
I'm a black belt in ping-pong ;-)
Thank BWC-Sedor for the render settings, I've used his one as a base for mine. Good to have his screenshot when I screw mine up and need to reset back to something that works. 3Delight can render very good once you start to tweak the settings around. Settings and Lights, that's what it's all about (not only lights, no matter what Walle says ;-P )
Yes thx sedor
I agree Lighting is only half of the equation.
I have nevered bothered with playing with the Pixel Filters settings but when I get a new computer I will.
Here he is ;-)
arr pushover....
Do we get any of the requested feedback from the original poster about render settings?
Totte, maybe we should start a new group...the psychic troubleshooter's guild?
Tell us your problem and we will, through the vibrations in the ether, psychically diagnose it and offer the solution...
That's what we Bald Wizards does all the time ;-)
That's what we Bald Wizards does all the time ;-)
So, that's the secret then...after doing this (tech stuff) for more than 20 yrs, you're telling me I need to be bald to do it psychically?
Well, I'm not shaving my head...I guess I still need the info, then...
mjc we could call it the psychic instructors group...PIG for short.