Packaging .zip for distribution question

I've seen this asked before, but can't seem to locate the thread again. When packaging morphs for distribution, what paths do I need in the installation instructions for the downloader?
I typically use the content folder for the 32bit version for my own stuff (C:\Program Files (x86)\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\ ) or (C:\Program Files \DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\ ) if someone is using the x64 exclusively. I know a lot of people use the My Library installs instead, but I have different ones in My Documents. Do I need to instruct people to install the Data folder into (Ie: C:\*User*\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio4\My Library ) or ( (Ie: C:\*User*\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library ) ? And is it Content/Data in the My Library, or just Data (Ie, (Ie: C:\*User*\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio4\My Library\Content\Data\Daz 3d\Genesis\Base\Morphs\Dvl-Lvd or C:\*User*\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio4\My Library\Data\Daz 3d\Genesis\Base\Morphs\Dvl-Lvd) ?
Thank you very much.
Your Paths need to be relative. By that I mean start at the Content folder (My Library), that will let the items work in any content folder if installed properly. That means the item should have been built inside a proper DS file structure from the start so all the Paths in the DS .duf or Poser Pz2 ect file are correct. Your finished load file can not call any folder out side a Poser Runtime to be Poser useable or a DS Content folder for it to be DS useable if files are above the Runtime folder.
I hope this helps.
Thank you very much for the fast reply. :) So in my install instructions for a Zip file, I should have it read "Unzip Content folder to your My Library" rather then Data? And is it Documents/Daz 3d/Studio/My Library or Documents/Daz 3d/Studio 4/My Library ? I have both paths floating around my Documents folder, along with a Studio 3 one..LOL :)
I'm trying to decide if my instructions on this file:
" Install: Copy Content folder from .zip into your Daz|Studio folder (Ie: C:\Program Files (x86)\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\ ) or copy the Data folder out of Content into your My Library folder. (Ie C:\Users\ \Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio4\My Library ) "
is wrong information and messing up the install for some people.
Thank you very much again.
I'm looking at your file tonight to see if I can help you more. I will get back to you soon.
EDIT: Installed and Working 100% (Nice set by the way). But the way you packaged the files can cause errors for users not used to installing by hand. I would NOT include all the Renders, I would move the Readme file to the Default DS Readme Folder inside the My Library Folder and Name the Read me so it Connects to your content (APC Morphs Readme ect). And Most importantly for easy install the Top Folder for a default User should be My Library (not content). Then they could just UnZip to the My Library folder and it would install. Also A Copy Paste of the Data Folder with MERGE does work, but I only find the Morphs in the Parameters Tab because they are .dsf files and not the newer .duf file type. So state that in your Readme file.
I hope this gets you working for all users. Here it is in my DS4.5.1.6 right now.
I'm printing this advice right now, Ty vm. :) I'm terrible with readmes & packaging. All the advice was very useful, and very appreciated. Since I typically use the Content, it never really occurred to me that it could confuse people until someone had a problem. :)