Not rendering

I have been running for 23 hours and my render is still at 0% can anyone please help me with this, I have never never did a video before but it is like 3 mins. Should it take this long or longer. Thank you so much for you time. I am very new to daz. running 4.5 pro also:roll:
What are you system specifications?
What are you trying to render?
Are you able to render anything at all or are you just having an issue with a specific scene that you are working on now?
3 minutes at 30 frames per second is 3*60*30 = 5,400 frames. That is a lot of data. If you want to render it I would strongly advise rendering to an image sequence, then stitching the sequence together outside DS - if nothing else that will make it easier to see if anything is happening.
Hello thank you it is windows 7 ram 4.00 GB system 32. intel pentium CPU B950 2.10 GHZ 2100 Mhz 2 cores.
I have never done anything like this before it is an animate video of a character dancing. I would not know how to do image sequence and put it together. Would that be doing each individual movement like that in fixing it in like vegas? I am sorry I have been trying to watch videos on youtube to learn this program. I have only had daz for a month or so. Thank You
Sorry let me answer the rest. I can render still pictures, and I am doing animate to alicia keys and the belly dancer its 3 mintues. I saw a post on how to calculate but it is foreign to me.
I have never done anything like this before it is an animate video of a character dancing. I would not know how to do image sequence and put it together. Would that be doing each individual movement like that in fixing it in like vegas? I am sorry I have been trying to watch videos on youtube to learn this program. I have only had daz for a month or so. Thank You
Image sequence is an option in Render Settings - there are various tools you can use that will just munch through the folder of images to produce a final video file, including I think Windows Movie Maker.