Custom 3Delight Cel Shaders

I am new to DAZ and interested in learning more about cel (e.g. comic book & cartoon) shading using 3Delight. I notice that 3Delight does not offer a manual specific to DAZ. Does DAZ provide such documentation? If not, is there another source of information?
I've purchased the PWtoon shaders from the DAZ store and found them to be useful and interesting. Is there a way to learn exactly what these shaders are doing--to see the underlying node network?
Thank you,
-d. vyd
pwToon doesn't hae an underlying network - all of the pwShaders, and most if not all of the omnifreaker shaders, were written directly as RSL code. There should be a link to an online guide as I recall in with the shader presets.
There are some free cel-style shaders on (search ACDZ and crescent), and the DAZ default shaders presets include some toon-style presets (DZtoon...). There are also some great DAZ store products: visual-style shaders, manga-style shaders, and skunkville noir shaders may be useful in seeing what can be done, and possibly looking at their shader make-up in the shader-builder tools. You've found pwtoon, which is infinite in capabilities. There's also a line-render (lr9000) and the toonycam-pro products which take a different approach to toon-ing via the DAZ camera (visual-style has some line/edge coolness too), and there are some good line-edge effects using the geo-shell technique - look for the Manga-Sytyle thread for a great free geo-shell material, tuned for toons...
and over at rendo are some post-work photoshop actions that toon-ize traditional renders after the fact.
As far as learning how, I think there are some very informative threads in the technical forum, or others may be able to help you there. (yes, forum search sucks!)
Lastly, Will Timmons and Spearcarrier (I think) have some iray shaders over at share-cg that include some shaders that can be made to do some cool toon-ish stuff, as well as a recent toon-hair product in the DAZ store that came out a few weeks back. Will Timmons is one of the most generous folks out there, and would help you with any information you needed over in his freebies thread in the freebies forum.
Heh, thanks. Yeah, link in my sig.
And holy poot, shader mixer is like staring into the void at the center of all things, and it STARES BACK.
Lots of bricks that are almost completely undocumented and no ability to do searches for bricks you used once and want to find again.