ATT DAZ Staff ::'Already Bought' Store Feature Needs To Be ReInstated in the DAZ Store :(

I've been a Plat member for about 15 years, but after the DAZ site makeover I had to let my Plat account go back in July because I simply cannot afford to rebuy items that I have already bought....& I certainly don't have the energy nor time to filter back thru my order history just to make sure I haven't already bought an item, & as a longtime loyal customer, should not have to....its still hard to believe that feature has been taken away from us ..DAZ PLEASE REINSTATE THIS FEATURE BACK INTO THE STORE SO I CAN BECOME PLATINUM AGAIN ...I will be glad to pay the Plat initiation fee again just to be Plat again, but absolutely cannot afford to become Plat until the 'Already Bought ' feature has been reinstated in the store again. I haven't bought anything since I let my Plat go, & won't be buying anything til this feature is reinstated, & trust me when I say I've spent alot of $'s here at DAZ store, (or just check my account) so you are losing $'s every single day/week/month that the feature is not reinstated...PLEASE REINSTATE THE 'Already Bought' FEATURE
We have been told that the software can't do that... bit i do have a suggestion.
A member here (name escapes me) has written several small programs that fills in the huge holes left by the DAZ site change.
Go to You will find a program called DAZ History Manager.
Solves some of the current problems with the DAZ Store History:
Lists all items on one page
Save copy of history list in local database (csv format)
Fast search on product name, purchase date, and order number
Check cart for duplicates
Check history for duplicates
Automatic batch resetting of files
Check for DSON updates
It us a super program ans saved many people, many hours of frustration!
I realise my content library might not be as big as some (30Gb and counting) but I must admit I don't find it particularly hard to know which items I've already bought. Unless you're grabbing everything that isn't nailed down I'm not sure why you consider this such a high priority. Sure, it would be a great feature if it were added, but truth be told I don't know any other online retailers which have such a feature.
Then again, maybe I'm just too cynical.