need help using dynamic cloth in ds4.5

Hi. I have never used the dynamic clothing in daz before even though I have wanted to many times. I have yet to figure out how to make it work.
I have loaded a figure in the scene and I have loaded a dynamic clothing object.
The dynamic cloth item is an object. There are no bones to select for movement.
I have tried an item that parented directly to the figure and I have tried an item that had to be Fit To the figure
When I open the dynamic cloth tab I see all the settings as I can find in the tutorials, but the "active item" field always shows None
How do I get an active item selected? Are dynamic cloth items supposed to be object files?
Any help would be appreciated.
We don't have a dynamic cloth system in DS, what we do have is a crappy 3rd party plugin that uses clothing made by the same people that make the plugin, no other mesh can be used with it.
well that explains it.
can someone tell me who 'the people' are that made the plugin and where I should look to find their clothing items should I want to try further
They also have a ton of freebies here:
Oh, I have some of those. WIll try them out. Thanks