Scrolling through tracks on animate 2

Selecting an object on the screen should bring up the track for that object on animate 2. But it is often above or below the viewing window for tracks. How do you scroll the window to view the track you have selected as this is not happening automatically?
link -
I didn't find anything about scrolling the tracks into view on link 14368 so not sure what that link is about.
sorry it was not any help for you - I just click on the aniMate timeline - at the top move the little marker
sorry it was not any help for you - I just click on the aniMate timeline - at the top move the little marker
or you might be talking about the + , - to go to different track
there is also zoom in and out
have you got your animate screen undocked?
I have two monitors and thought I could do so for ease of use but found you cannot scroll through all your aniblocks if it is undocked
goes behind viewport
also too many in one folder causes issues going left to right in preview
in the end found a content browser window for them was the best solution
if you open Daz studio formats in your content browser and have the aniblock folder handy to browse to, just mousing on the files within with your figure selected will preview the tracks and you can drag them to the animate timeline just the same as if listed above in the fiddly hard to use menu I hate.
No this is a problem that comes up sometimes on both mac and pc. I get to cruising along with a series of aniblock on the timeline for animate 2. At some point, and I haven't been able to determine what causes it, the time line for an object is above or below the window where you are supposed to see the timeline for that object. For instance. Right now I have 2 Genesis models on the screen. I selected one of the models and about 1/2 of that time line shows up vertically. I am talking about rows of timelines. I get 1/2 a row. And the up down arrows do nothing.
Left Daz and came back. My selected model was still selected from the last save so the 1/2 time line is still there. But at least I can now go up and down with the arrows to show the timeline for the other model. Just selecting the model doesn't do it.
Added a timeline for a camera and moved it to the top of the list and now both rows for both Genesis models are showing. Ok. I think I finally got it. Just add 3 rows of objects and then the up and down arrows seem to work. I guess the top of the timeline window doesn't always line up with the rows. Thanks for your help.