DraagonStorm Animated Textures Script rendering


I've just bought the animated textures script, just a great script with probably more possibilities then I can imagine.

Played around with it, made a simple explosion, worked like a charm. Still image rendering (3delight) no problem but

when I made a short avi strange things happened; some frames worked (so diff,ambient and opacity) most of them didn't.(see attachment).

If I move the timeline I can see all the jpegs change in the different slots like in the diffuse chanel.

Anyone knows whats going on?

Appreciate the help,

animated textures.jpg
1928 x 2192 - 938K


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,848

    Did you render directly as a movie or as an image series?

    If you rendered directly as a movie, does it work properly as an image series?

  • Hey Leana,

    I rendered as a movie. But an image series gives the same bad results.

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    I had a strange random 'glowing' skin frame pop-up in a recent render series. save, exit, reload, and re-render fixed it for me. I don't think it's related to the script, or only perhaps after the script has been run multiple times in an open session and memory issues creep into the scenario. Agreed that this script/tool opens up huge opportunities!

    hope this helps,



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