Saving edited dials?

Recently been playing with GenX and adding in some new dials. However, I recently went back and made a few edits to one of the dials (namely, the icon and label) and I'd like to save this out without having to go back and export the entire thing again with the original settings and then tidy up the junk.
Is there an easier way to save your modifications?
File > Save as > Support Assets > Save Modified Assets
That will overwrite any asset file that you have made changes to inside DS, be careful when using it as it will replace the asset with exactly what you have changed, so if you have any morphs dialed then that setting will be saved and Genesis will always load with that morph dialed.
Thanks, I'll be careful when saving to ensure I haven't modified any of the defaults :D
If you make morphs you can save as File > Save as > Support Assets > Save morph Assets
they will then show up and can be used on other figures. I bit buggy but work most of the time, it also work on clothes something who is real useful.