new install - can't find files

Hi All,
I bought an Alien 17inch laptop with a 100 gig SSD C drive and 1 TB D drive. I used the DAZ Install Manager. I set all the Application Pointers to save to the D drive, to a folder named DAZ-Public. After several retrys I finall got the DAZ data files installed. With the exception of the Public +Beta+ files. The DAZ.exe is in the C drive.
The problem is when I try to run an Interactive Lesson a big bunch of files are missing. Like Voyager M6, Basic Hair or Genesis 2 Starter, amoung others. When I double click on Akio 5 I get a message the File doesn't exist.
My question is how can I point the DAZ.exe to the D drive??

DAZ Missing files.jpg
1250 x 337 - 69K
Post edited by larrygilman on
Using an alien laptop is probably not helping -despite the claims of Independence Day their operating systems are not compatible with ours.
More usefully, in DS you can quickly add or remove directories by right-click in the Content Library pane - to remove an existing directory right click and select the remove option, to add a new directory right-click on the Daz studio Formats/Poser Formats headers. A more integrated approach is to use the Content Directory Manager, available from the content panes' option menus (the lined button in the top corner, or right-click on the pane's tab) or from Edit>Preferences>Content Library tab. The Content Directory Manager is the only location from which to specify the folder used by Connect if you install from within Daz Studio.
Have you set up the Content Directory Manager in Daz Studio so it can find your content library? You can find the Content Directory Manager in the Preferences (Edit menu, Preferences, Content tab, Content Directory Manager button at the bottom of that tab).