Hands following props, not props following hands - how is this done?

I'd like to know if it is possible to have one or both hands of the Genesis figure follow a prop rather the prop following the hand.
Also how can you have the hands follow the movement of other body parts of itself (e.g. Genesis resting its hands on its hips while walking)?
Maybe somebody knows a good tutorial?
Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately you can't attach a body part to another item - the nearest thing would be the point at option in the Parameters pane, but that controls direction only and not distance.
I came across a website where somebody wrote he found out how to have a figure (I think it was V4 or M4) to hold a two-handed weapon and have the hands follow it. Sounded kind of like parenting the hands to the prop or something along those lines. The link to his tutorial was dead tho.
Maybe there is a work-around?
would this help https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts/mcjautolimb
Sorry that above is for DS3 and below...my bad.
Use a Null and "Point At" the Null ... you can then parent the null to the prop .... in Parameters-Misc ....... it's not quit the same but might work for you ...
sorry i didn't re-label scripts on my site,
but, most animation scripts labeled DS 1, 2, 3 also work with DS4
the scripts that will help you make a hand follow something or someone are
mcjAutoLimb to make the position of a hand/foot track the position of an object / limb/ / Null
mcjHoldOn to keep a hand oriented the same way relative to the object being held
mcjKeepOrient to keep any part of the body oriented the same way
Thx Casual for letting us know...and it is good to know. :)
See what happens when one goes to eat...I'm glad I refreshed the thread or I would have posted pretty much the same thing.
Casual has a boatload of useful scripts, and if they don't already work in 4.x, he's working on updating/improving them.
Wow, thanks! Looks exactly like what I need! I'm really looking forward to trying this later today :-D
Have cube parented to Genesis left hand whilst applying Auto Limb to get right hand parented to the cube as Genesis walks along. Can anyone confirm that this script works with Studio (64bit) on OSX 10.8.2. Thanks, gav
Yes it does! Thank you Casual!
Casual, I had to set up a special Script Manual folder just so I can keep all your documentation straight!!! Thank you again!