Problem with external props

Hello guys,
I'm having an issue and I don't know how to fix it.
The context :
- I'm creating a genesis 3 female model with no morph / modification
- I send it to zBrush to create a full body-suit
- I import back the body-suit as OBJ inside Daz
- Convert props to figure, then Fit to Gensis female 3
- And the body suit appears at the right place for 5 seconds then merge under the skin somehow.. and looks bugged as hell
I was doing this trick before 4.9 and it worked fine, i'm not sure what is going wrong here. I tried several different figure with no morph etc and the problem still occurs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated !
Post edited by antoine_94386758 on
It looks as if the figure is scaled or morphed to make it slightly smaller than usual, and as a result when the item is fitted the reshaping is both projected from the base and already embedded in the shape of the suit so it ends up inside the wearer. It is best to work from the zero shape when making fitted items, though if you can't do that setting the Reverse Source Shape from Target option and selecting the current shaping as the Source shape in the Transfer Utility may give acceptable results.
When posting screenshots please do not show a nude figure (in this case you could have switched to Smooth Shaded draw style) or use a host that requires a log-in and has content flagging.
The thing is I tried the same process with a non-morphed / scaled figure it's still the same issue
Where can I find this ?
Never mind, I found the transfer utility but I still have the issue
I don't understand why
Ah, I missed that you weren't using the Transfer Utility - that is the correct way to make posable clothing as it puts the joint centres and bones in the right place, and projects the weight from the base figure. You are setting Genesis 3 female as the source when you do use the Transfer utility?
Maybe you can explain the steps to do ? I'd greatly appreciate this :)
The collapse is being caused by the smoothing modifier, but using AutoFit is a round-about way to go at this. Import your OBJ file, with the figure loaded, and then go to Edit>Figure>Transfer Utility. Set the Source to the Geensis figure and the target to your OBJ. If the figure is in its zero shape just click Accept and see how the result works.
Hey Richard,
Thanks for your help !
I've tried everything, the result is still super average. One thing that helped was to disable "fit to figure source" in the post processing tab (transfer utility)
I kinda gave up on trying to fit this suit onto this Genesis 3 (morphed with Victoria 7 body + skinny morph)
Now I've just tryied to do it from a zero shape Genesis 3, it's working well even with my old trick "fit to".
I can also adjust the skinny preset after the suit is fitted to her. However this may kill details somehow if I create the suit based on the base shape then skinny it after it
Yes, working from the zeroed state is always best - though you could have tried setting the Source Shape to Current (with the morphs you used at export set), but that gives a double approximation - from morph back to base shape and then from base shape back to morph - so it is best avoided.