Skeleton to Geometry

does anyone know if it is possible to convert a genesis skeleton into actual geometry?
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does anyone know if it is possible to convert a genesis skeleton into actual geometry?
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Um... it IS actual geometry. Or am I misunderstanding your question here? If you need it as a static prop you can pose it then export it as an OBJ and then re-import. This will remove the bones and leave you with a mesh that can't be manipulated (at least not easily).
Edit: Just in case I did misunderstand and you meant the actual movement BONES within Genesis, then no there is no way to turn it into geometry. Though I'd question the use of doing that anyway.
The attached pic is the Genesis skeleton, which is probably not what you were expecting it to look like.
Now, you see this is what I thought you meant... hence confusion ensues.
Thanks for the answers.
I'd had to be more precise in the first place.
What I need are the genesis figure bones shown in the picture above. But I'd need them converted into geometry objects.
I'm trying to export a genesis figure into 3dsmax. Daz fbx exporter works wonderfully but 3dsmax importer is not yet perfect.
The issue is that the bones are exported as a small objects that does not retain the local axis orientation of the original daz skeleton.
So setting corrective morphs, that could be used with the skin morph modifier, is a total nightmare.
I suppose that those orientations would be retained if the skeleton could be exported as a group of actual geometry objects.
May be a stupid idea. But I'd like to try...
Thanks again
Sounds like it would be easier to simply export as OBJ and rig Genesis inside 3DS Max if that's what you're going for.
I agree...I've never seen a rig exported from one app and imported to another that doesn't take large amounts of tweaking, to get right. Often, it takes enough time, that starting with unrigged geometry and starting from scratch is quicker.