Matching skin textures

Hi all,
Just a quickie... Does anyone know of a technique to match skin tones? What I mean is if I have a character with a miss-match in skin tone between the face and the rest of the body, is there an easy way of matching the body tone to the face or vice versa?
Thanks in advance,
That usually means you are using an Iray fce setting with a 3delight body or vice versa, or possibly that the gamma value for one of the maps is off. It can also happen if you usde a "make-up" material for one character (which is really an alternative face map) with the base material from a different character.
Yeah, but is there a way to match them?
We cant know whats causing the missmatch at your characters face - its possible the texture or the surface settings.
I would suggest: first off all go to timeline frame 0 (important: suface chages can be animated but damn I dont want to)
select the figure - go to surfaces pane and if not allready set switch it to editor - expand the surfaces list there and compare the face surface settings with some other surface like the head. All settings should be the same exept the texture maps. If not - select the head surface save a shader preset to the library - select the face surface and load the shader preset but hold down the ctrl key while double clicking the shader preset in the library to make shure the texture maps dont change. This is how I do such things - hope that helps.
I am going to take a different tack and assume that you are trying to use either a custom texture map for the face, or at least a face texture map that is not from the texture package used on the rest of the figure? If so, then I don't believe that you really aren't going to have much luck working to match them up within DAZ Studio. It is possible, but at the very least it will be difficult as you will be trying to correct for the differences in the maps purely by adjusting surface settings. I would be inclined to open the texture maps in an image editing program and try to match the skin tones there - the tools are going to be designed to do such things. Start by matching the torso image to the face image, by adjusting the skin tones as required, then focusing on the area where the two join to ensure a smooth transition. Then you can match the limbs maps to the torso in the same way. Its going to take a bit of work no matter how you approach it, I'm afraid. The good news is you will develop a valuable skill in the process.