Perfect Potions rendering weirdly

I'm trying to use the potions that come in this item:
I'm rendering in 3delight and made sure they have the right surfaces (not the Iray ones). But the jar is rendering with the majority of it cloudy and not colored. Anyone have any idea what is going wrong and how to fix it? If you look closly at the edges you can see the red potion, but only at the edges.

wonky bottle.jpg
1280 x 720 - 275K
I suspect you may need to increase the Maximum Bounce setting in Render Settings - not sure if that's the correct name as I have yet to reisntall DS but it is similar. That controls how many times a ray can be refracted or reflected before 3Delight just returns the current colour, glass is always demanding in that rspect.
That fixed it, thanks so much!