Can't open older projects

So, I have been having a tough time since getting things updated. Recently I tried opening an older project file to make sure eveything was installed and working. I got a lot of errors and files not being found. For instance, one of the project uses Stonemason environment and Mech.
I checked that my paths are all correct for my content and I was able to load up the Stonemason environment (UrbanFuture4) by itself, but when I try to open this project the environment won't load.
Any ideas?
That may indicate a problem with the paths when the file was saved. Is it a .daz file or a .duf file?
Was the scene saved as a .DAZ file by any chance? DAZ format scene files were notoriously flakey, and Daz changed to use the DUF format instead. I have dozens of old (DS 4.0) DAZ format scene files that I can't open at all in DS 4.5 and above. Any scene that contained people with clothing failed to open for me.
Some people have had some success with techniques that involved loading the object in a new scene and saving that scene then reopening the old scene, but unfortunately that never worked for me.
I just checked and they are all .duf files. I also noticed that most of the files are referencing a /data/ folder as not being found.
I have always stored everything on external drive and that hasn't changed since I first starting using DAZ.
Do you have the Content Library that contains that data folder listed in the Content Directory Manager?
I do. I put all of my custom folders and the original Studio/My Library path and I do see the /data/ folder in there.
Can you post a screenshot of your Content Directory Manager setup? Sometimes people accidently add a Runtime folder there, or some other incorrect hierarchy that causes trouble. We can take a look, it you wish.
Sure thing.
Wow, you've got a lot of stuff there. I don't see anything obviously wrong, like nested library folders or mapped Runtime folders. Maybe a more sophisticated eye, like Richard's will see a problem. What is the path of the data folder that is not found? Is the path shown in the error message, or can't you tell which of the many libraries that missing data folder is in?
You could open the DUF scene file in a text editor an examine it. If it opens as unreadable characters, that means that the DUF file is compressed. Just a tool like WinZip or 7 Zip to extract the DUF scene file as though compressed scene file were a ZIP file. Then open the extracted file in the text editor. You could search through and see what paths it is looking for. Since it should be using relative paths though, I'm not sure if it will help. If it has hard coded full paths specifying a drive letter, etc. that could be your issue.
If you open the Content Library pane, do you see all those libraries listed under Daz Studio Formats and Poser Formats?
So here is an output when I try to load one of the files:
data/parris/bot genesis/bot left forearm/morphs/parris/fbmvictoria5.dsf
All of these are missing. I went to that folder and there is hardly anything in there. I know that this is Urban Future 3 scene from Stonemason. Which loads up fine on a clean scene.
Please try loading the Urban Future 3 in a new scene and then saving that scene. That might recreate the auto_adapted files. Then try opening your original scene again and see if it opens this time, or at least has fewer missing file errors. It looks like Bot Genesis was in the scene, too, and is also missing from auto adapted.
I think auto_adapted is a folder created on the fly by Daz Studio to process Poser type files for use in Daz Studio. I'm not sure of all the behind the scenes hocus pocus, though.
Yes, that's right - though if it can't find the auto_adapted files it should go for the original OBJ or Poser files, if present.
Ok, so I tried doing this and unfortunately no change. Nothing new created in the AutoAdapted folder.
I don't know where Daz Studio decides where to create the auto_adapted files when you have so many libraries. My guess would be in the first non-connect library, but that is a guess.
If you save to a Daz Studio content directory then the Data folder in that content directory should be used, if you save to a non-content directory location then yes, it will be the first Daz Studio content directory.
Thanks for the clarification, Richard.
Unfortunately it looks like whatever assests were in the auto_adapted are no longer there. Don't know how I will be able to recover any of these older projects.
I tried opening one that uses Predatron's Pool Table and ran into this:
2017-02-15 17:26:05.040 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/P3DA/PoolTable/P3DA_PoolCue.obj"
2017-02-15 17:26:05.040 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/P3DA/PoolTable/P3DA_PoolBall.obj"
2017-02-15 17:26:05.040 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/P3DA/Null/P3DA_NullProp.obj"
So in this scene, all of the pool balls load up as generic square objects.
I went into Smart Content and the props are nowhere to be found. I did a search of the hard drive and found them in the Data folder.
Some of Predatron's older sets were updated to be DS-only as he could no longer support Poser. Since you own the product you should eb able to download it and copy the settings from the place-holder objects to the new versions of the same item to recover your scene set-up.
Sorry for sounding dumb, but can you elaborate on how to do this. I had been using DIM for a long time, but I am pretty confused with how this new DAZ Connect works. Currently I feel like I am fighting against this entire application on several fronts. I somehow have a Lost and Found category in my SmartConnect. Not sure why some items are in there. Also a tremendous amount of my items have a download icon as if they aren't installed at all.
I have setup the paths for all my original install folders (Daz and Poser content) and even tried Re-Importing Meta.
Should I turn on the downloads for Poser files in DIM?
Lost and Found is for items that haven't been categorised. Items that were isntalled by DIM will have the download icon but should be usable (shold havea coloured thumbnail).
All I was suggesting was loading the scene that has missing items, where there will be a grey box for each, then loading the new version of the set and copy-and-pasting the settings from the grey box to the newly loaded items.
I actually tried turning on Poser files in DIM, installed just Predatron's Pool Table scene and it did not give me that error anymore. It seems that I was also using DieTrying182 morphs which is still not found, but the scene looks like it loaded correct. I am thinking I might need to install all the Poser version files because I am not sure what scenes may have used those in my older projects.
Ah, well that is obviously a set that still has Poser versions (unles you were working from a previous download, in which case make sure you have a back-up). Edit: yes, that set still lists Poser files.