Genesis Supersuit

Can anyone tell me whether the Genesis Supersuit product (below) is compatible with G3 figures? It says it's compatible with Genesis, but it doesn't specifically mention G3 figures so I wasn't sure.
Thanks in advance.
It is compatible with Genesis, that is the original Genesis
If it was compatible with Genesis 2 it would say Genesis 2, and equally with Genesis 3.
Not natively, but if you own the "Wear them All" products for G3F and G3M, you can put items from Genesis 1, 2 and even V4 and M4 on the latest generation. I've used that product a lot. Works very well.
Thanks for all the advice. I figured that was the case, but just wanted to be sure.
Happy to help!
It can be really confusing at first. Wear Them All came out right after I found DAZ about a year ago, and made life so much easier. That same vendor (Valzheimer) also has products that allow you to put G3 clothes on G2. And Sickleyield makes products that allow you to take G3 stuff and put it on G1. These are great options if you're working with older figured that you don't wish to move forward into the current generation (or in another program that doesn't support G3 yet.)
I wish there was an option for M4 and V4, but these products are great workarounds for the others, and really expand the usefulness of all the clothing, hairs, and fitted props (jewerly, hats, weapons etc.).