How do I convert footware that has a heel to G2

Sorry if this has been asked before but my searches either yieled no results or ones that were not relevent to what I was looking for. I have various outfits that I would like to convert to G2 that have a heel to them, while the auto-convert program does well with almost any other clothing it is terrible with anything that has a heel to it. Is there a way to fix that or some product that I can purchase that can conver it better?
You might be able to parent the shoes to the feet instead of fitting them.
Shoes of any sort don't convert well, if at all; this is particularly true of heeled shoes (and gloves for the hands) due to the differences between G2 and G3 bones in the hands and feet.
Thanks I'll give that a try.
Yeah I was hoping someone had figured out a trick, the parent solution may work, I'll have to give it a try. Strangely haven't had any trouble with converting gloves with the autofit tool, at least not that showes up.