How is this done?

I noticed a really cool method. When applying DX30's High Boots to G3, the leg goes transparent from the mid-thigh down. When the boot is deleted, the leg regains opacity. There is no obvious change to the leg on the surfaces tab. No visibility settings are changed. I notice that the opacity change lines up along vertices in the wire frame. But there is no opacity map in surfaces. The edge does not correspond to any of the default surfaces. In the attached picture, I set the left boot to 50% opacity. The lower thigh and shin are transparent.
This is a really cool trick. I would like to use it to simplify applying legacy shoes to G3. The method neatly fixes poke through.
Does anyone know how this is done?

Vanishing leg example 1024.jpg
1024 x 1024 - 71K
Cool. Will learn about that.