New Computer: How do I get all of my content on it? new computer system arrived today, and of course I want to get Studio set up on it as soon as possible. I can download the program again, but I am wondering what is the best way to make all my store bought content available?
Also, I have a ton of free stuff.
Anyone been through this who knows the pitfalls to avoid?
I little more info...
I have an 2TB external hard drive that has plenty of room for the My DAZ 3D Library folder on my old computer. I was thinking it would be a good idea to copy that folder to the external drive, install Studio, then copy from the the external drive into the My DAZ 3D Library folder on the new computer.
Good idea or not?
Will everything be found and available? Metadata?
How did you install? The fussiest part, as far as I know, is the Install Manager manifest files -which it uses to tell it what is installed. For the content, copying the content foldrs across and reimporting the metadata will sort DAZ items - if you want your own categorisations you can either export metadata on the old machine and import on the new or you can copy the CMS folder across from AppData on the old machine.
Hi Richard, and thanks for replying.
I have Studio 4.9 (64 bit), and I have always used DIM for store bought content. I don't remember ever setting a destination for downloads...I just went with the default. I don't have much in the way of categorization. I did set up a category for plants and rocks.
Copying the CMS folder sounds simplest.
You also want to copy the Install manager folder from your Public Documents folder -that has the downloaded zips (if you kept them) and the manifest files listing what was isntalled where (which will be OK if you use the same locations on the enw machine as the old, but will be wrong if you used a different location (even a differenet account name using the default settings).