Mass Parenting clothes to figure...

I have a genesis starter male figure and dressed him in a genesis armor suit.

When I move him, he pops up out the clothes and the armor stays in crucifx.

I could select every piece and unparent and figure out what body part it should parent to, but I'm sure there's an easier way to get his whole suit to lock around the figure. 

I tried to select the whole figure + suit and apply the pose- weird things happened.

1017 x 672 - 83K


  • And this....


    525 x 597 - 43K
  • Yuck. For now, the work around is to use the xpansion set for this suit which has an ENTIRE SUIT option for application as opposed to the original which I had to add piece by piece to the figure. Which is- I get baffled that someone makes a suit of armor but doesn't have the choice of adding the WHOLE SUIT at once.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    The clothes need to be fitted to the figure not parented.

    If thats the epsilon suit it was made quite a while ago before the introduction of wearable presets, which expansion are you using?

  • Select all the figures and then use the Fit to button in the Parameters pane - though if you make sure you have the figure selected when you load the clothing it may fit without action on your part.

  • Multi selected Fit-To nice - never used that. I always used the right click menu in the scene pane but it only appears on single selection. I have learned a new feature today.smiley

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,779
    edited February 2017

    which expansion are you using?

    I was wrong. The Original suit is Marauders

    The add-on is FOR A DIFFERENT SUIT is  Supersuit Troopers

    that needs Genesis Supersuit


    Post edited by Griffin Avid on
  • I did that and it Daz said every piece was unsupported and I had to choose what type of clothing it was.

    In the end, it worked and I saved as a Character Preset and a Scene just in case I ever want to use this again.


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