Morphs Randomly Cease Functioning

This is an issue that I have run into once or twice before. With the current project, I have run into it dozens of times, to the point that I'm on the verge of tossing the entire thing right out the window in frustration.
1 -- I make my morphs via d-forms inside of Studio. No, I can't do it in Blender. I'm too much of a newbie in Blender yet, nor do I have a grasp of the Morph Loader/Pro. It's on the list to learn, but I'm not there yet. So all my morphs are done natively inside of DS, via D-Forms.
2 -- Once I get the morphs working, I have everything functioning the way I want, sliders set up the way I want, then I save the figure/prop asset. Everything is fine. In fact, it might be "fine" for days on end. Then all of a sudden, some but not ALL the morphs on an item decides it doesn't want to function. Dials remain in place, the morphs are within the /data/ folder, but turning the slider does NOTHING at all. The morph just randomly ceases working.
Is there any reason for this? It is driving me up the WALL at this point. I've had to re-make morphs on the current project at least a dozen times now, and I'm getting rather fed up with the random non-functioning of morphs that previously worked just FINE.
Is there a bug I don't know about with d-form created morphs? And why does it only happen on some projects, but not others? And why does it only happen with some morphs, but not others? And why does it only happen with figure/prop assets that I've made myself, and no one else's? It's getting to the point of being absolutely infuriating because there is no rhyme or reason, and I can't establish a pattern. It's entirely random.
Ok, so restoring the morph files from my backup of the /data/ folder fixes the issue per se. Maybe files are getting corrupted somehow? If so, I'm still back to square one with trying to figure out what/how/when is causing the morphs to fail in the first place. Very weird.
Why are you saving as a figure asset? Assuming the base figure is already saved, just use Morph Asset from the same sub0menu for the morphs. I suspect that may be related to your issues.
What it is, is I'm doing Daz Studio conversions for a Poser clothing modeler. So, I'm bringing her Poser CR2's into DS, and converting them to DS formats, which for me, because I haven't learned how to make JCM's yet, means I make a bunch of adjustment morphs via d-forms to handle joint bends, any poke-thru that mesh smoothing and/or mesh offset fails to fix. I was saving the clothing as a figure/prop asset, with the morphs that I made for it, from the d-forms. I never thought to save out the morphs separately from the clothing itself as morph assets. I will have to try it that way.
Well, as far as I know you can't save morph assets until the main item is a figure asset - but I read your post as resaving as a figure asset after you had previously saved it, which could well cause issues one way or another.
Yes. Correct. I will definitely be giving the morph asset save a run the next time I'm working. Thanks a bunch. I appreciate the help. This has been driving me batty for quite some time now. I'm not sure why I never thought to try a morph asset save before...LOL.