Repairing Figure

Hello all,
I have a dilema. I lost a custom morphed G3M figure from the base figure. i came across a wavefront I made during the construction but it has the hair figure and anatomicals on it. ok. I managed to rig transfer and texture the figure. ok. Now I have a finished looking figure with elements on it that are now part of the pelvis area geometry and hair figure that is part of the head geometry and clothes don't work. Without having to redo the figure from scratch, is there a way I can just get the head morphs (remembering that the hair figure is part of the base figure geometry now) I tried MLP but error that the geometry is not the same, duh.(I tried) Is there someting I else to do to get around ? Tried shaping preset. Thanks
This is clutching at straws but perhaps, if you took a zeroed figure with the same add-ons attached and exported as OBJ, rigged with the Transfer Utility, and then loaded your desied shape as a morph on that you could then run the Transfer Utility from that to Genesis 3 Male selecting only the morphs to get something like your original morph back. Note that if you used any Daz or third-party morphs in building the figure (except, perhaps, Merchant resource sets) only you would be able to use the morph (but you could share renders).
Sounds good i'll try it.
Tried it and still the geometry doesn't match. oh well. I started another character. thought there could be some way to utilize that figure to get the face and head morphs/shapes. maybe a face transplant geograft using blender or hexagon? ha ha! thanks