Free dynamic polo

ingoingo Posts: 52

I finally managed to get around and create my first usable dynamic garment. There are quite a few thinks I don’t understand just yet. Initially I applied Autorigger but that appears not to be saved. My assumption was that it would be and stay included in the garment but obviously not. The resolution is 8mm. I can do any resolution from 2mm-20mm. 8 seems to be a good middle. The funny thing is, optitex writes and daz reads seams/ stitches and buttons but they do not appear as actual objects. I also uploaded the same polo originating from optitex but ex and imported as FBX. All buttons and stitches are visible there but not dynamic. You are free to use both to your liking. They are both my very own creations. Any questions or suggestions are more than

have fun

polo cover.png
1500 x 1500 - 4M


  • Moved as a freebie tot he Freebies forum.

  • Thanks Ingo!!  Which character is it for?

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,230

    yes, thanks

  • Unfortunately all you have uploaded, if I'm looking in the right places, is thes tatic mesh version. Theer does not appear to be a ready to use dynamic item there - to create that you need a separate plug-in from Daz which is not, so far as I am aware, generally available - you may need to open a ticket to ask about it.

  • OdaaOdaa Posts: 1,548
    edited February 2017

    Ingo, thank you for giving this a try. The textures somehow didn't make it into the package. The static mesh version shows up correctly, and although I didn't play with it I assume it could be rigged by someone who knew how, or made dynamic with one of a couple of Rendo products.

    The dynamic version shows up as an elongated cube sort of like a stack of legos. Dynamic Clothing Control does recognize it as a dynamic item, but crashes DS4 when I try to drape it.

    Post edited by Odaa on
  • The geometry-files (from the data folder) are also missing. for the dynamic version. That's the reason for the cube.

  • ingoingo Posts: 52

    Hi All, sorry for slow responses. It was created using aiden, but in general that should not matter. I can supply different sizes for it as thsi is a polo we produce in real live from xs to 5XL. however i would like to understand what went wrong with the upload and in general what the best workflow would be to be usefull at all. There are two files.One is containing just a static mesh of a polo shirt. This mesh comes out of optitex and was exported as fbx. If I say optitex, I mean the full patternmaking version and not just the daz plug-in. The other should contain a dynamic mesh. I still dont quite understand how to save something in daz or in this case, waht other files are actualy required for somebody else to use it and where those files are stored. Is there a way of "packing a Parcel" which contains all relevant files? I dont realy want to get to deap into textures an riging as such but would be happy to provide the initial dynamic mesh + all the files which are required to make them work but would be happy to work with somebody together who would and could take it to the next step and make it a "product". My workflow at present is to export a choosen base as obj to optitex. There I create the garment and do the initial drape till it sits about right. after that I export as clt which is getting imported into daz and placed on the same base i used previously in optitex (i dont think this is relevant as the garment is dynamic after all, the only think which would make a difference is the size and i could easily export a bunch of sizes without to much pain). I tah initiate the autoriging tool and rig the garment to the figure. From there i pose the figure to about where i want it to be in the end and either do a static drape or a frmaed drape depending on the final pose required. From there on i am lost as i dont know how to safe it in a way that the riging information is included. Thats where you guys come in to advice.




  • OdaaOdaa Posts: 1,548

    Ingo, you could try getting in touch with @SimonWM - he worked with another creator of Optitex virtual clothing, and may know more about the process.

  • ingoingo Posts: 52
    Odaa said:

    Ingo, you could try getting in touch with @SimonWM - he worked with another creator of Optitex virtual clothing, and may know more about the process.


  • ingoingo Posts: 52

    uploaded some more files, hopefully that makes it work.

  • OdaaOdaa Posts: 1,548

    Sorry, all I'm finding at your previous link seem to be the same files, or at least the act the same way when I try to load them.

  • ingoingo Posts: 52

    there is an aditional folder which contains some dsf files. I assume they need to be downloaded seperately and install wherever they belong.


  • OdaaOdaa Posts: 1,548
    edited February 2017

    Bravo, Ingo! It took a bit of detective work to figure out where to put everything, but your polo shirt is now operational for me. Picture below, with some shaders on it for texture (sorry, I've never been very good at getting the collars on men's dynamic shirts to behave right, as you can see, but overall I think it turned out pretty well.

    I think I managed to pack up your files in a way that would make it easier for people to put the files in the right place, if you are interested, PM me and I'll find a way to get to the package to you. Textures not includes, because they are a shader made by someone else.

    Edited to add: the auto-rigging/fit-to function works now!

    Ingo Polo Test.png
    366 x 791 - 233K
    Post edited by Odaa on
  • ingoingo Posts: 52

    woho, great stuff, looks like we are getting somewhere. dont quite know why your collar does not work proper. It does need to be quite stiff. I am not sure if the fabric settings I am choosing in optitex are actualy included in the export and there is no way i can double check that because the values in optitex are quite different. see attached image. will PM you in regards to the other stuff

    335 x 452 - 13K
  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438

    Pardon Ingo,

    how is this supposed to work?
    After trying your "polo for 4 side image.duf" DAZ wasn't even able to put the skin textures on the G3M. surprise

  • OdaaOdaa Posts: 1,548
    edited February 2017

    That's the static prop FBX version, Andy. I hadn't had a chance to play with it before, but I'm seeing similar results to you.

    The one called dynamic polo will work like other optitex dynamics if you download it, download the stuff in the folder above it, and put the supporting files in the following locations in your library:

    default.dsf (seems to need both locations, not sure) needs to go in:

    \data\ingo\product\dynamic polo 1\uv sets\ingo\base

    \data\website\UV Sets\website\Base

    1_18108.dsf needs to go in:\data\website\garment related content\Polos\PRM__SCPB


    dynamic polo.duf can go wherever, I created a dynamic clothing folder under People/Genesis 3 Male/Clothing, and put it there.

    Post edited by Odaa on
  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438

    I'm irritated due to the file location you post.
    Shouldn't it be stored somewhere under \Genesis 3 Male\Clothing\ and then directly only one folder for the polo shirt?

    Couldn't you create a zip, which includes all the correct paths? To be extracted to /Studio/My Library/ ? As all other authors from all the freebee websites do. This method creates all necessary sub-paths automatically.
    So I manually have to create all those sub-sub-sub pathes first?

  • he is learning you create a freebie and do it right then come back and suggest to others

    if you are irritated buy something not free

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438
    edited February 2017

    I already did 3 on ShareCG with fully extracting folders.

    So ....

    But you're right - Even some commercials here on the DAZ store practice a very strange folder system.

    Post edited by AndyS on
  • ingo I appreciate your efforts even if others do not heart

    please keep trying

  • AndyS please link to your freebies so we can judge them

  • ingoingo Posts: 52

    Hi AndyS, the static prop version is just to illustrate how it draped and looked in optitex itself, including the buttons. You can actually copy the buttons there and put them onto the dynamic garment. This is my very first try to make dynamic garments available to the daz community and I don’t quite know what am I doing and how. Odaa was already so kind and suggested to zip it all and I will try if I am capable of it ;). It would be awesome if there is a script I could use which would do this for me, any ideas? The thing is that I probably will not be able to sell those garments in the daz store and that’s not really my aim anyway. We produce those garments in real life and the 3D thing is only needed for customer previews and for our website, to make them available for DAZ users is more or less a by-product and as long as it is free, I can’t spend too much time on them for presentation and packaging. It needs to be a straight forward process. So if anybody knows of a scrip which is doing the packaging and zipping for me, speak up. Next question would be, is there a location I could upload those files to or do I need to keep them in my google account.


  • OdaaOdaa Posts: 1,548

    Ingo, I and a bunch of other people use this site to upload freebies, but if you are comfortable putting your freebies up on google drive, it's probably okay to keep doing it.

  • ingoingo Posts: 52

    Odaa, thanks for the link to "this site" looks like the way to go. never heard of it before. Cool stuff on there.


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