How to automatically zero an autofollow morph on clothing?

I have a piece of clothing (shoes that I created) where I'm trying to disable an autofollow morph (I want the morph applied on G3F and other clothes, but not on the shoes). I tried locking the property on the shoes, but that gets ignored if you save the shoes and re-load the shoes. I created a controller that multiplies the shoe's autofollow property and this works as long as the shoes are loaded AFTER the autofollow property is already set. If the autofollow property is turned on after the shoes are already loaded, this doesn't work.
So yeah, how do I disable autofollow properties on clothing? I need this to be a permanent and automatic solution so that the user doesn't need to deal with it at all. And I want to try to avoid creating a reverse morph.
You can override autofollow by creating a custom morph for the clothing with the same name as the one you don't want to autofollow. In this case, an empty morph (export as obj, make no changes, import as morph) should do the job.
You don't even need that many steps, just get the name of the morph (from Parametrer Settings - the gear icon on the slider) as you wold have to for the morph route, then right-click on the Parameters pane and put it in Edit mode (if it isn't), right-click and Create New property, paste the name of the morph in, set the hidden check box (you don't want to see the empty slider cluttering the list), and click Accept. This and the export/import method both have to be done before you set the problem morph on the figure.
Thanks! I'll give that a shot.
there are some caution.
In edit mode, when you make new empty property to overwrite generated morph, you need to make it as "empty morph" . if you do not use the option , ds make it as property type. then it can not overwrite generated morph. you just make new empty controlelr with same name as generated morph.
And To set same name as auto-generated morph for new "empty morph", you need to remove the current generated morph" from shoes, or you will see warning message and DS ban to make duplicate name property.
1. select cloth (shoes), then copy the name of generated morph, in parameter setting.
2. r-click the generated morph for cloth, and delete original generated morph by edit mode, then make new property to overwrite, paste the name which you copied, with check option "make it as empty morph" on.
Or, as I said, create the new property before dialing the morph in on the base figure. Moprhs are autogenerated only when they have a non-zero value.
Hey there is an option in the main menu "edit>figure>clear generated morphs" I think this will delete all autogenerated morphs by once.
Of course there is no chance to generate those morphs for fit items, when user do not set value for the base figure.
But most of case, After we see generated morph effect ,we plan to overwrite only morphs which we need not. The issue which I feel important for those who find this topic later,
1 when you make new property to overwrite genrate morph, the option make it as "empty morph" is critical . without it , the new porperty can not overwrite generate morphs, the item still auto follow the morphs with your empty property (set same name)
2. When you make new empty morph as same name ,you need to remove the generated morphs from item. or ds stop to make new morph .
3 Save the empty morph as new morph for the item. or when you load the item as new figure (not subset, and scene), you lost your work.