How to crash Carrara - watch out for these things

When in the modeling room and you want to cut a model to paste into another model be careful when you go back to the original model and you still see the wireframe not to select it again and cut...

I've done this several times with each time hanging up Carrara

just done it 5 minutes ago ppffft.. and as soon as I did it I asked myself... why did you do that!!

any other tips to avoid a crash?


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969



    when in model room and you drop a mesh in - eg a cylinder - you het a little +/- sign asking if you want more polys or less, if you dont click somewhere in the model room to get rid of this and you go to the assembly room carrara will crash

    so- always select the polys you want, click somewhere and then  you can leave the model room safely 


  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    Wanting to use the Ruled Surface tool I created copies of an emty Polgon and spaced them apart to create some surfaces between them.  Then came complete disaster... I stupidly clicked on the Bridge tool... selected the first poly then the 2nd... nothing happened so I clicked the first Poly again... Carrara seemed to be thinking so I went off and did something for about an hour+-.  After coming back Carrara was still thinking and showed (Not Responding)... so I used Task Manager to end it's process then started up Carrara again.  While my own fault I blame Carrara for not having a better error handler.

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