Help with CPU rendering instead of GPU?

Really hoping someone can help here. A few days ago I noticed my render times geting serious slow for no apparent reason and it looks like even though I have GPU only ticked in the render settings pane, iRay is only using my CPU and I have no idea why.
GPU - Titan X (900 series)
i7 4790k, 16gb RAM.
Ive checked the text log after the render and it appears so. See attachments with task manager and GPUz also.
Possibly im being very dim, but I dont know whats going on here. Any help is appreciated.

1469 x 398 - 69K

1301 x 766 - 81K
Is this since updating to DS The new version of iray requires a driver version 372.x or later.
Ok, ignore the above - it appears to have been a bug (or something).
I unchecked all the render options and then re-checked GPU only .....and it started to work.
Well im still running Daz - Do I need to update to stop this from happening? Im using current Nvidia drivers 378.49
OK, it seems to be an intermittent issue as its started again.
Does anyone have any ideas? Daz just refuses to use my GPU and its infuriating!
Edit - ok im just going to reinstall Daz & see if that works. I just closed Daz & re-started and it started working?!
Something clearly isnt right. Sorry to keep offering half information and banging on. If anyone has any similar experiences of this, please do let me know still.
You may need to restart DS, and possibly Windows, any time the GPU drops out due to insufficient memory.
I woulndnt have thought 12gb of vRAM would be an issue?
Not easily, no - unless you leave a lot of render windows open, or you (or the supplied materials) are using very high levels of SubD (I've seen high values in Displacement Subdivision in the surfaces of some models).
simple example:
To show the real 3dimensional structure of the tires this small scene easily exceeded 20GB. This is the disadvantage of iRay.
In 3Delight - no problem. But the photorealistic lightflow of iRay is way better. So it is up to the artist, what he wants.
And at least: It should be a challenge for nVidia to create GPU-cards being able to do it and being cheap enough for us amateurs.
Echoing Richard's comment, leaving partially completed renders open sucks up memory on the video card, but your example image shows the nvidia card memory well below max. I have a similar rig, but with 24GB MOBO memory. Could that be it?
I also notice that having the camera close to a G3 figure changes render times and memory requirements dramatically. Some of my renders go like wildfire if G3 takes up less than the full frame. But, if I zoom in on the head and shoulders, render times go way up.