Stuck on "upgrading CMS" on boot

As the title says Daz studio is stuck on the loading screen with with message "upgrading CMS" in the bottom corner.
I recently did a fresh install of Windows 10, and after downloading and installing all my content again i am now unable to load the program. 

Any help with this situation please?

656 x 505 - 676K


  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,506

    If you can, work offline and let the program fully load up. Then reconnect. This solved such a problem for me a few weeks ago. In my case, my drive names got messed up and somehow got reassigned which threw all the icons off to the broken icon and none of my additional runtime libraries showed up. It also whacked out my intercace layout and with the CMS trying to update it would totally locked me up shortly.

  • the program is still not loadingp even though i went offline

  • Same thing happens on me too , please notice me when there is a fix


  • I had the same problem, DS was stuck at splash screen and said upgrading CMS, but I think
    I fixed it. -> I opened the DIM (DAZ Install Manager) -> went to the top right corner to
    select the settings button -> clicked on  Advanced Settings -> Clicked the Installation tab
    -> At the "Content Database Base:" -> I changed it to C:/Users/Public/Applications/Data/DAZ 3D
    --> Then From the DIM I Uninstalled PostgreSQL CMS(Win 64-bit) -> And then I Re-Installed
    PostgreSQL CMS(Win 64-bit) => And After That, DAZ Studio 4.12 Opened and looked like it works smiley

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